Saturday, April 4, 2009

More on Men & Sex OH MY....

This note is directed to the ladies! Are you a keeper or a throw back?
Ok I'm almost finished reading Steve Harvey's Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man Book. And I must say WOE... I didn't expect to learn so much from one of the legendary Kings of Comedy...

That said Seve Harvey who I will further refer to him as SH says that ALL MEN not SOME but ALL MEN are fishermen..

He says there are two types of fishermen:
1. The sports fisherman
2. The one who fishes to EAT

He then goes on to say that sports fishermen are just doing it as a relaxing activity...These fishermen have NO Intention whatsoever to BRING the fish home. They are in it for the RIDE for the HIGH of simmer' in nature and then suddenly CATCHING a HUGE prize that they look at and take a picture of with their Homies. Then once the picture taking is done the fish goes back into the water.

Then the other type of fisherman FISHES with a WHOLE different MISSION. He's not doing it for FUN OR SPORT. This NIGGA HAS got to EAT! He's been working all day and can barely see straight... This MAN Has no time for games he HAS TO EAT to LIVE.

Now to bring it all home...Men are either dating you to look at you, fuck you, then throw you back in the water. Or they are dating you to catch you and take you home to their family and make you HIS WIFE. There isn't any other way about it...Food for thought...

Then he breaks down the categories he says men need 3 THINGS:

Then he says if a Man loves you He'll do 3 THINGS:


2. PROVIDE: (If he has a dollar then he's going to give you $.50...a man who loves you won't let you NEED For ANYTHING if he can HELP IT...NOW wants he'll try to DO but that's based on THE previously mentioned three above...IF you aren't giving him Respect, he see's there is NO Loyalty, and you hold out on the COOKIE...He'll get it from some where....know that...

3. PROTECT: (A man who LOVES you won't want you out at night running wild in the streets because he has to sit and worry about you. If he's there he wants to walk next to you to make sure no one even thinks about mistreating you. If your man doesn't show that he gives a SHIT then he doesn't. Really Simple.

He ASK in his BOOK an IMPORTANT question...."Ladies are you a Keeper or a Throw Back"?

SH says WE as women DETERMINE...THIS...NOT MEN...we determine if Men look at us as "Keepers" or as "Throw backs" by our Behavior.

Simply put....If you have NO MORALS or STANDARDS...THEN he won't have an standards for treating you like you deserve. If you act and dress like a hoe then don't be SHOCKED if that's how you get treated.

However...IF you WALK AND TALK like the QUEEN God Designed for us all to be then HE AS A man will HAVE NO CHOICE but to treat you with RESPECT, HONOR AND LOVE!

The OLD quote that says: "Birds of a feather flock together" most def. applies here. IF your GIRLS are hoes AND you act and dress like one then WHAT other conclusion are men to COME TO?

This also means that if you carry yourself with respect for yourself and class you'll have more men ready to kiss your ass then you would think. And if he doesn't want to treat you RIGHT you don't need him ANYWAYS!!!

His point is Ladies there is a GAME being played.. Don't hate the game PLAY It to win!

So NOW all day I look at other women and smile to myself "Keeper", "Throw Back"!!! I'm a lady but now I have the tools to see what men See when they see Me....

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... Maybe I should purchase that book


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