Saturday, April 4, 2009

25 Random Friends about Natasha....

1. I am a very loving person even with all of the hash lessons I've endured I still believe that I DESERVE true love and that it is indeed out there.

2. I AM SO MUCH more than WHAT meets the EYE! Often times I am judged by my appearance. Especially in work situations, people are shocked to learn that I have Excellent WORK ethic and that I work hard for what I've achieved in life. People believe for some reason that I get what I get simply because to some I am "cute".

3. I am A very Aggressive, Opinionated Woman! I KNOW what I want out of life and I go Get It!

4. I NO longer let what others think or say about me determine how I live my life.

5. I got my ears pierced because My mom made me upset one day by saying I hope you aren't doing something stupid like getting your ears pierced to make a point. I actually wasn't at the time but BEING that she said that I went and got them done out of SPITE. (Not a good reason to do anything I've since learned but Also I wear my ear rings to church, work or wherever unlike some FOLKS. I am who I am so you can EITHER love me or HATE ME... I'M cool either way :-)

6. I enjoy so many different things: listening to live music, photography (both shooting and modeling) , reading, writing poetry, short stories, lyrics, and exc. , shopping, dancing, spending time with friends, cooking, going to the SPA, getting my nails and toes done, being in Hair shows, Singing at church in the choir, group, or by myself, playing my alto Sax, jazz dance, yoga, swimming, candles and relaxing in general.

7. I'm a high strung individual so sometimes it takes allot out of me to relax being that I'm such a productive person.

8. I HAVE never learned how to be a GIRLFRIEND... My mom has been married for over 30 years and it is by watching her that I have become the woman that I have today. That said, She's taught me how to be a WIFE and Mother PERIOD.

9. In relationships and life in general I'm an ALL or NOTHING type of Chick. If I'm into you than I am. If I'm NOT then I'm not. Really Simple!

10. I've experienced QUITE allot in my little life some due to being in the right place at the right time and others due to my career.
Those who don't know I graduated from Andrews University in 2005 with a B.A. in Journalism and Communication and was apart of Lamda Pi Eta (National Honors Society for those who don't know) Since then I've worked at several TV stations in one capacity or another mostly as an On-Air TV personality. That said, there aren't too many people I haven't met or interviewed both in Black Entertainment, Music, Politics, or whatever.

11. I have had LOTS of stuff. I've received several gifts from "admirers/viewers" from flowers, to jewelry. Seriously... So gifts have little to no affect on me when it comes to winning my heart or affection.

12. The BEST relationship I've been in to date was NOT AN SDA! I want to eventually marry an SDA for obvious reasons such as raising children and stuff along that line. BUT in my experience SDA men can be quite SHALLOW in regards to the "double standard" mess of expecting me to Be Ellen G. White Incarnate while they've been MALE hoes. Fact is we've all had experiences and its like the first thing they want to know is how many men I've kissed ARE you Serious?!?! I'm almost 26 years old and if you think you are going to be the first to KISS me Sorry to burst that bubble!

13. I REALLY love traveling! With or without other people. If I feel so moved I'll go to another country just to go shoe shopping or to relax if I've had a hard week!

14. I am an APPLE fanatic! I so love gadgets in general but I especially LOVE apple products.

15. My dad taught me to cook because he said no matter how attractive or nice a female is A MAN has to EAT! SO he said if I didn't want my man going else ware to eat I had better learn how to at least pull off the basics like mac and cheese, greens, yams, corn bread, muffins, peach cobbler, and breakfast foods like eggs, pancakes, hash browns and exc. I think this is SOME of THE BEST advice I've ever gotten from my Dad because even after a relationship ends I still have folks calling me asking me to cook them certain dishes :-) Yay Me!

16. I PRIDE myself on NOT having to LEARN everything BY experience! I can listen to life experiences of others and gather the information I feel is applicable to my situation.

17. I hardly EVER have to learn the same lesson twice as far as life lessons go. Once I've hit my head so to speak I realize and then correct my actions so I don't have to go over the SAME drama AGAIN.

18. I AM quite the Independent Woman But I still KNOW how to Appreciate A MAN!

19. When it comes to relationships its sometimes hard for me to take off my aggressive hat and put on the submissive hat when I first walk through the door. If I've been giving orders all day then suddenly I find myself in relationships where the men need to be Constantly made to feel like they are the man in the situation being that I have such a dominate personality. My thing is this IF YOU ARE A GOOD leader then its EASY for me to follow. If you are always lost then DON'T be mad if I Tell you to PULL over and Let me Drive!

20. I am NOT high maintenance! I JUST like NICE THINGS which I may add I provide myself. I'm SO tired of the generalization when guys approach me. Saying stuff like I guess you only date rich men being that you have this or that. And my response is Yes I've gotten gifts WHAT woman hasn't but as for my LIFESTYLE I provide that MYSELF...THANK you very Much!

21. I am working so hard now as far as saving money and stuff because I want to have children one day and I want to to have the flexibility to stay home or work less hours if I want without putting the burden on the shoulders of my husband! I WANT to be a HANDS on MOTHER just like my MOM was and still is.

22. I love BEING involved in Ministry! Being that I am a people pleaser my nature I have to be careful that my doing stuff in church doesn't get in the way of me actually having a daily relationship with God! That said, I was involved in SO many ministries and activities in college that I didn't make time to build my daily relationship with God. So I don't do that anymore. Now I try to make sure that wherever I am spiritually reflects my Ministry.

23. I am probably one of the realist, laid back, females you'll ever come across, BUT don't get it TWISTED just because I'm small doesn't mean that you can WALK all over ME. You have the wrong one! I Like to think that I have the ability to express myself through which ever medium I feel necessary BUT when provoked I have been known to USE WORDS in ways you might not have thought possible... SO point is don't try me for the sake of it or you may see a side to me that you might not be ready to handle.

24. I am working on my relationship with GOD EVERYDAY! I want to be a Woman of Virtue! I don't always hit the mark but know that I'm striving towards it!

25. The best way to win my heart is to be yourself. When it comes to the man I want to be with I look for the following characteristics: Honesty, Strength of Character, Personality, Ability to be A Spiritual Leader (Understanding that I must work on my relationship with God daily myself but Knowing that My man is praying for me also is a Positive), Ability to make me laugh and feel comfortable, one who accepts me for me NOT my Image!!!


*I'm a very passionate person who is very lovable and warm if you know me you know this already!
*I lOVE Ice cream and Popsicles*
*Summer rain so turns me one sexually, (to release my sexual energy I usually write erotic material or some type)*
*I love being hugged!
*I love tender kisses!
*I still watch Disney Cartoons like Nemo, Tinker Bell, and exc.
*I love going to the movies.
*I like night walks on the beach walking hand in hand talking about life or nothing at all.
*I sometimes buy stuff I don't need when I'm in a pissy mood like shoes or something.
*If you are a guy and you happen to SMELL good I'LL STAND there even if I'm not listening simply because I can't move because you smell so good...mmmm...
*I HAVE quite a healthy appetite so if you take me out on a date expect me to eat and not order a salad if you can't afford more than a salad let me know and I'll treat you to the meal... Either way I'm going to eat!
*Love back massages if I'm in a relationship with you I expect to get two a week minimum!
*I enjoy scratching heads and getting my scratched also.
*I enjoy life in general and I'm Living my Life like Its Golden!!! Anything else you wanna know Just ask :-)

1 comment:

  1. What I think is cool about this post is that you know who you are! Kudos!!


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