Historically, the term Creole was documented by Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. In "The Inca", writing in the early 1600s, he said: "The name was invented by the Negroes... They use it to mean a Negro born in the Indies, and they devised it to distinguish those who come from this side and were born in Guinea from those born in the New World....
Another version states that the term Creole (Spanish -- Criollo) was introduced in 1590. It derived from the Latin word “crear”, which meant, “create.” In 1590, Father J. de Acosta decided that the mixed breeds born in the New World were neither Spanish, African, Indian, but various mixtures of all three, thus a created race. So he identified them as "Criollos".
The Spanish copied them by introducing this word to describe those born in the New World, and in this way both Spaniards and Guinea Negroes are called Criollo if they were born in the New World."
After Years of Struggling for the true meaning Wikipepia has Re-defined the Word after being presented with documentation.
In 1819 at the Congress of Angostura, Simon Bolivar was elected president of Venezuela. He planned a strategy that would free the Americas from the Yoke of European domination. According to historians, the lager part of the Native population has disappeared. Europeans have mixed with the Indians and the Africans who at that time were called Negroes. The Negroes have mixed with the Indians and all sorts of other people from various racial and cultural backgrounds. A common saying at this time in history was: "We were all born of one mother America, though our fathers had different origins, and we all have differently colored skins. This dissimilarity is of the greatest significance.” During the 1920's it was estimated that a third of African Americans have Indian blood. Today just about every African-American family tree has an Indian branch. The number of African-Americans with an Indian ancestor was once estimated at about one third of the total. In Latin America the percentage is much higher. The significance being, that an important page in history has been missing. Three great races - American Indian, White, and black - built the Americas together! It was NOT just the WHITE Man who suddenly discovered America. As we now know the American Indians were living in America at the time of its discovery. It's easy to see that when history is only told from the prospective of one culture then VERY important things are left out all together. It's funny when you think about it that many American's believe the history they have been taught in school regarding America and its origins rather than researching to find that white people write from the perspective that they a place isn't discovered until they (white people) say its discovered. This matters because White America is STILL controlling the content of the books that contain the history of America that is in turn being taught to the children of today. Unless we take an active role to choose to teach our children by doing research then the real history of America could be lost. Or worse yet, forgotten and dismissed due to the fact that WHITE America doesn't find in this case the FREE People of Color to be a part of history worth outlining in the textbooks of History taught to our children. I think that it is my role to research and gather information so that those of you who don't have time can hopefully learn something worth while to pass on. More history: TO BE CONTINUED... |
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