Friday, November 12, 2010

A love so deep...

See the love I have for you is deep. Just looking at Me you might guess that I've always had a date... but see I never had a mate. 

From that first date I thought wow God is this fate.. Was I put on this earth to be your lover, partner, and soul mate... I don't know but I feel the power that we create when we enter a room. 

I enhance you and you enhance me too.. Is this what I was always missing, always craving to feel? It's almost like you didn't see the layers I'd built around my heart to keep from being hurt the things that had made me feel so insignificant. 

But with you I know I am blessed and highly favored! The Bible says, "Blessed is he who finds a Virtuous Woman"... I just want to take the time to thank you for finding me, motivating, and encouraging me when no one else could or would. 

Thank you for being the bridge between my dreams and reality. Thank you for allowing me to take a nap when I needed to rejuvenate! Lord knows, I'm ready to procreate, you stimulate me in so many ways without even a touch. Its the passion of love, and friendship that I see burning in your eyes when you look at me. 

Yes its that deep all those nights I spent weeping and to be honest creeping around in the dark hoping to be found. Hoping to be crowed Queen of a deserving man's throne. Thank you for never leaving me alone even when I pushed you away. I need you to know that I will always stay and never stray. 

The love I have for you, yes it's that deep it transcends time and space. Thank you for allowing me to take that seat in your life, I want to shout it from the mountain tops "I can't wait to become your wife"!

-With all my love,


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