Monday, November 29, 2010

The Set Up...

In this posting I'm going to be discussing the danger in how we set up our daughters for heartbreak from the time she is a child.....

From the time that a girl is born she is given a doll to play with. From birth pretty much the concept of being a mother or taking care of a baby is ingrained into the minds of little girls across the world. We are taught to be care takers. 

Then at some point Barbie may or may not be introduced to a girl. If it is then the SET UP is in effect. Welcome to the world of Barbie! Whatever Barbie wants Barbie gets! If she wants accessories, different outfits, gadgets, friends, Men! She thinks of people and things the same way! The same way she buys new shoes or quickly changes a career is the same way she relates to her friends and the men in her life. Simply put whatever I mean WHATEVER or WHOEVER Barbie wants to live in her Barbie world is what happens. This is her reality.

Moving on... Ok so this is the problem with the "Barbie Syndrome" I HAVE it! One of my female friends recently sat me down and told me to write down my friends. I did that and then she asked me how often do I talk with my "friends". Then I said... Um when I want to. Then she laughed and said did you just hear what you said. I said yes... And... And then she said well even though you are a great person who has a HUGE heart. You are a terrible friend. I was flabbergasted! I was like wait! I'm there when people need me or whatever how dare she say I'm not a good friend. Then she said I have all the ingredients to make a wonderful friend cake but I'm missing a few key ingredients... Listening and being Considerate of the needs of others at times when I don't get any kind of emotional gratification. 

Simply put if I don't feel good about doing something for someone or if I feel like they are taking advantage of my friendship I immediately chalk the friendship up as a loss and move on to the next friend. Rather than working out the problem I just leave the issue entirely. This problem has even found itself in my relationship track record. The only thing that's different this time is that my BF recognizes this issue in me and helps me to recognize when I'm doing something inconsiderate. WOW.... right... All this time I thought other folks were the problem come to find out I am the common problem in my relationships and friendships. 

Basically the moment a person stops being an asset to me and starts to pull me down emotionally I Cut them off. Now this can be good and bad. Good in that I'm not allowing others to constantly allow others to rain on my parade. The flip side is that well there are some relationships and friendships that are worth fighting for! Wow what a concept! 

So this is hard for me to admit about myself but like every problem admitting is the first step to addressing the problem. 

In my defense I was raised to look for a certain type of Man to complete my Tasha's world Bubble! I was taught to desire men that look a certain way, graduated from certain educational institutions, belong to a specific religion and tax bracket. The problem is that all of this is one sided. I was essentially an emotional nickel looking for a dime! What a concept. I had the entire package basically except the heart to care! I had been hurt and disappointed to the point that I no longer felt that a Man or friend was worth any of my time or emotional space!

Having a heart of stone is a sad place to be. But I'm happy to say that now that I'm making my way to the other side of this storm I am becoming a better person one step at a time! As many of you know I obsess over being a mother! I know that everything happens in its season but every where I look my peers are pregnant or already have children. I don't worry about having a husband because I know God has already blessed me with my soul mate. So now I watch every toy commercial or diaper commercial with stars in my eyes just like a kid in a candy store. I have names, and outfits, and tutoring, and extra curricular activities already picked out for my future child. That's crazy I know... But in my defense I didn't just land on the planet this way! I was made to believe that I would NEVER be complete as a woman until I became a wife then a mother! 

My biggest struggle is dealing with my friends that are single mothers who are stressed out about their situations who look at their children with regret in their eyes. Who feel like their childhoods were stolen because they had to put the needs of their children before themselves. I have to suck it up and just be there for them and listen to how they can't stand their wild, misbehaved children. I am there to rock the babies to sleep or to get them to eat healthy foods rather than just crackers and cheese. I am there to introduce them to fruits and veggies and to Veggie Tales and Dora the Explorer or to just reading! I'm showing them how its the simple things. If the girls see you as a Mom reading then that's what she will do because she wants to be just like her Mom. 

I'm the one to show them how to have family worship! How to teach their children to fold their hands and pray. How to say the blessing before they eat and prayers before bed. It's me that does all this and why! Well because I get the emotional gratification of lending a helping hand and then I get to feel like I'm helping which makes me feel great! I get to spoil their children as if they were my children and learn what works and what doesn't with them. I know I have so much to learn but hey. I'm willing to learn from other mothers women who have been their and are still doing it. I am reading the parenting magazines, books, blogs, and all of the above. 

I am learning to well be myself and be content with where I am in life rather than always feeling the need to get the newest it thing! That's a concept for me because I LOVE and crave having the new it thing be it a new accessory, purse, or gadget, or sexy Man. God blessed me with a Man who not only is physically pleasing to my eyes but one who understands the growth that I am doing at this point in my life and is willing to have patience with me while I go through all of my many transitions! I pray that God will continue to reveal to me my issues so that I can work towards becoming closer and closer to His image rather than just going through life wondering why I'm alone and isolated. The reason why I often find myself alone is because I now realize I've pushed everyone who cared about me away from me when I was faced with a challenge because I was trying to protect my heart and keep myself from being disappointed.... 

I'm learning and growing at a fast rate... It's true what they say about the 20's being the time of self discovery... Well I'm doing lots of that at this time but I'm also taking a harsh look in the mirror and realizing that there is much left to work on in regards to not only my relationships but mainly the motivation behind my actions....

Then there are the "Gold diggers" or "Hood Rats". Here's my thoughts on these two generalizations. I feel like Gold diggers are simply educated women who have standards who won't settle for broke men. Then the Hood Rats are those women who haven't had the chance to become educated by books but life experience has been her only teacher. These women have been smooth talked by a silver tongued Man with "game" who has talked them right out of her Victoria Secret PINK panties that she got on sale. All the while all her dreams are shattered! She feels like she will never measure up or get any man worth having because now she had not one but several children out of wedlock! All she wanted was her very own Ken Doll to buy her the world, a man who would support, listen, and be the head of her heart! But instead she ended up with a temporary Buzz and a life growing from within that will one day walk in her mother's same footprints unless SOMEONE anyone decides to BREAK the Cycle of brokenness, pain, and emotional despair....  

Where I have options and have the freedom to grow and express myself for fun these women are left to beg, borrow, and spread their legs to get what they have to get for their children. On her face she wears a smile but inside she is a broken woman a woman whose only desire is to be loved and cherished. But instead of waiting for the right Man to find them she feels forced to accept the physical and emotional abuse of her baby Daddy while she works two jobs at minimum wage. The man who beats her and makes her to feel less than a human these are the only arms she had to run to when times get rough. 

Her family has turned their backs on her. The church doesn't reach out to her and her children are left to watch the tears roll down her cheeks as she just tries to swallow her pride by giving up her body so that she can get what she needs to get by from a man who has no hope who steals every smile and glimmer of hope she has in herself. The girl who was once filled with dreams and aspirations is now a shadow of her former self. She is a beautiful shell empty on the inside. There isn't a glimmer of hope or sparkle of hope in her eyes. When you look into her eyes all you see is pain, sadness, and regret. All she wanted was love but now she has to self medicate herself with drinks and drugs to quiet the voices of reason in her mind that tell her she deserves more she deserves better. 

Hm.... food for thought... 

A love so deep...

Church: Praise Fellowship SDA

Location: South Bend, IN

Song: We Cry Holy He is the Lamb

Speaker: Pastor Irwin Larrier

Key text: Is. 53:1-12 and Matthew 24

Sermon points that I thought were Key:

Tsunami was used to illustrate the troubles that build up in our lives then come crashing down on our families, church communities, and just our lives period.
God doesn't just order our steps. God in His mercy packed my hand bag and put in it my pad of paper so that I could take notes at church then gave me enough presence of mind to actually have the desire to come to church then to not just come to church but to attempt to get something from the service.
We as a church have forgotten the Man Jesus and who He is to us and our Salvation.
Is. 53:1-Who would believe?
Jesus was willing to suffer for you and I.
We need to understand and study what Jesus actually experienced when He was going through His darkest days of tribulation for my sins and yours.
Character Assassination: What Jesus experienced from the entire Jewish Community and most importantly His Family and Friends to killed the Character of Jesus.
*This concept was especially meaningful for me because I'm often so consumed with what others believe and perceive of me in regards to my relationship with God. I feel this way because for so many years I tried to live according to what was EXPECTED or rather Demanded of me in regards to my lifestyle. I refuse to do anything that isn't authentic. Meaning if I wear my ear rings during the week then I will wear them to church or where ever. I feel this way because I have finally come to grips with the concept that my church family can't put me in Hell. I finally understand that Salvation is a GIFT from God that I can choose to accept. I no longer have to seek the approval of my family, church members, or church leadership. However, because I am attempting to die to self that requires some pain. With any growth there is pain that comes along with that change. For the first time since leaving Andrews University I didn't wear any ear rings to church. This was very significant for me because I am a rebel by nature. I had to come to grips with the fact that my musical talents are a gift from God. Therefore I have to put aside self for the purpose of ministry. WOW what a concept to actually apply to my life. I realized that while my ear rings might be cute they could be a stumbling block for the youth being that some of the young women look up to me. BUT I am a working progress and I embrace my Spiritual Journey! The bible reads: "What God has begun in Me, He is FAITHFUL and Just to complete." Therefore, there's no since in me trying to change me! Paul says in Roman's that He dies daily. Well daily isn't enough for me I need to die moment by moment because all it takes is a moment for me to walk off of the "road less traveled."
*Being that I have been touched with CHARACTER Assassination from the CHURCH, my FAMILY, and others well you might be able to understand why this concept really spoke to me. Simply put, if Jesus Himself was called a lier and all of the above who am I to expect different for myself being the lowly wretch that that I am according to the words of Paul in the Bible.
To be fare, there have been times that I did live totally contrary to what I knew was right BUT now that I am trying to live according to what I know the DEVIL uses members of my family and to be honest church members to come to tell me things like, "Why are you wearing that BRIGHT lipstick to church, or why is your nail polish so Bright, or why are the hills of your shoes so high, or why is your skirt so tight." Rather than saying, "Good morning sister Happy Sabbath, I'm glad that you made it to church this sabbath." In my experience, people would rather me FAKE my Christianity and relationship with God in regards to my appearance than being concerned with my soul salvation and the the work that the Holy Spirit is doing on my heart.
-Read Mark 14:32-35
When we understand that when facing hardships that Jesus craved the support of His closest friends the 12 disciples. Then understand that they slept rather than prayed then I can start to understand why Jesus can truly understand my inner pain and struggle as a Christian living in 2010. Jesus really understands what it means to be CUT off from one's family or to be shunned because of past transgressions.
Although Jesus Himself never sinned like me and all of Human Kind I can find comfort in the fact that His love for me is so great that He died for me while I was YET a sinner! Wow that bible text applies to me!
John 3:16-17: I put my name in the text so that I could see the significance of what God did and is still doing on my behalf!
For God so LOVED (Natasha) that He gave His only Begotten Son. That who so ever believes Him should not parish but have ever lasting life! For God sent not His Son to condemn (Natasha) but that she might be saved!
If we as Christians really believe that Jesus took our place on the cross then our lives should reflect the acceptance of this truth and the evidence should be seen in our lifestyles.
No amount of Human Blood could have saved us from Sin and damnation its ONLY the BLOOD of Jesus that makes Salvation possible and attainable.
Every time we sin we separate ourselves from God but then the BLOOD of Jesus comes to cover us and then God can accept us. This is the system that was created and put into place for you and I.
Barabbas-Modern Day Terrorist

Had Barabbas lived in this day and age he would be like a Terrorist.

There are times God had to slap us to get us out of the way so that He can save us.

There is no since in punishing a sinner because we already feel like we are unworthy of anything good. When you start to truly understand the context of what was truly happening in the familiar Bible story of Jesus and Barrabbas then and only then will we begin to understand what Christ actually did for you and I. The fact is Barabbas knew that he was guilty however when the crowed kept saying
Crucify Him he might have thought that the crowd was talking about him then he realized they were talking about Jesus. Wow...

Jesus for you and I was betrayed by family and friends. Jesus for you and I was falsely accused, beaten with in an inch of His life, wiped, and encountered other physical torment for you and I. But it was the spiritual separation that truly hurt the heart of Jesus. During His entire life He had cultivated a CLOSE bond with is Father (Abba) our God. But because He took on our Sin He for the first time in His life experienced the separation that happens when we choose sin. Jesus became SIN for you and I and gave Himself totally for our sins so that we could have the opportunity to choose to give our lives over to God. Then God in His mercy allows the Blood of Jesus to cover our sins so that we can be called the children of God and accept the gift of salvation made possible only through the BLOOD of Jesus. 

*Morality won't save us ONLY our RELATIONSHIP with God.

Salvation is God's thought it did not Originate with us.

God can see our need for a Savior and that's why He reaches out to us with His Son Jesus and asks us will we accept the sacrifice of my Son for your sins. Or will you continue to reject my Son's BLOOD for your sins. How long will you reject me and the gift of life, abundance, peace, and happiness, that comes only through accepting?

All we need to do is to choose Jesus and step into the grace because God identifies with our sin condition.

*Read John 3:16-17 Again*

Jesus came down to FIX the SIN problem.

This is my prayer: God grant me the grace to endure until you bring me though to my breakthrough. -Amen

May God bless all who take the time to read this. Pass this along to your friends and I pray that everyone who reads this will feel what I felt when I was typing it this morning. Again, all comments and feedback are appreciated. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

***LIGHT is NICE but MOCHA is IN BABY***

I'm going to be very honest and write about one of the biggest insecurities that I have about myself. It's my BROWN Mocha skin. To understand my mindset you have to go back to the origins or my mindset or worldview. Ok, lets start at worldview... My worldview is the result of my grandparents for the most part. So starting with my Dad's side. His Mother is HIGH YELLOW or what was considered COLORED! His Dad was MOCHA hailing originally from the Beautiful Island of Trinidad! On my Mom's side there's my Grandma who is Milk Chocolate or MILK MOCHA. Then my Granddad on my Mom's side is also Milk Chocolate or MILK MOCHA hailing originally from New Orleans. Now you must know that in the cultural environment that I grew up in I figured that EVERYONE came from a similar background or that everyone was just as culturally diverse as myself! WRONG....

So I grew up in a family and a CITY that always felt that LIGHT and BRIGHT was just right. So being that I clearly am not Bright or light I always felt less than... Especially at certain family gatherings... Moving on to my years at Andrews University I discovered for the first time that my BROWN SKIN was something that was unique, beautiful, and yes me I was Hott even though I wasn't BRIGHT! You have to understand this was quite a concept for me! Even though my immediate family especially my Dad and Mom tried to in steal in me that it was what was inside that mattered most I secretly HATED the skin that I was born in. I used to stare at my Light Cousins and think to myself GOD WHY wasn't I born that way... WHY did my Dad have to genetically pass down the BROWN SKIN to me...

I'm clearly other with that stage for the most part but I still sometimes have insecure feelings about myself and my beauty because well I've been brainwashed from childhood to believe that if I marry light then that would be JUST right! So I used to gravitate towards any guy that fit the BILL I thought the BRIGHT light BOYS was were it was especially genetically speaking! I wanted to insure a BRIGHT future for my future children so I looked for LIGHT guys you know the Pretty Boys!

The BIBLE says then when I was a child I spoke as a child and so on.... But NOW I am a GROWN WOMAN who has lived long enough to learn a few things. First of all I have nothing against my light BROTHERS I think that they are still Hott and fine as ever! HOWEVER.... I now KNOW that men who are BLESSED with that DARK Chocolate Skin have had to overcome challenges, barriers, and challenges that other light skinned guys haven't had the opportunity to experience at ALL. So don't get me wrong while the light Men are nice to look at and will guarantee you a baby that I can use baby oil and water to slick back the hair is great. The thing is I know how to do corn rolls but TRUTH is I didn't want that to be my only alternative and I'm defiantly not going to relax any of the curls or kinks out of my future child's hair! I'm going to teach her that her beauty comes from God and from her family history!

I gravitate towards men like my Dad. Men who are street smart but who have turned their lives over to God! I like Men who have been though a struggle because that makes me feel safe! I felt the safety and security and just presence of my Dad growing up. I saw how the women looked at my Dad back then with all his DARK SKIN and all his LONG Black Hair! As the girls say now days... THAT'S what's up! It's totally contrary to EVERYTHING for a Black Man my Dad's Completion to have LONG hair BUT hey... Thanks to a mixture of culture I have been blessed and not CURSED with my hair and with my DAD'S MOCHA Skin! My Boo just like my Dad has countless skills and knowledge! He's had to learn by living life and my experiencing pain and rejection from those that he loves most... HIS FAMILY... It might be hard to read but it's the TRUTH... As they say the TRUTH HURTS... This is one of those times...

My Baby like my Dad has made it against all ODDS he is making his place and taking his stand in his family, community, and in my life. Sure he has some scars from life but I love those scars because I know and understand what he's had to deal with first hand from what I saw my Dad experience when he went to the bank for example. Or when my Dad got harassed by the police simply because my Dad was driving while BLACK in NICE cars in certain neighborhoods in the Metro Detroit area. And like my Dad he has had to endure the constant negativity of EVERYONE from his family to his so called homies... He is a stronger Man because of what he has had to overcome and that's one of the many reasons why I love and support him so deeply. Yes it might have made more since for me to fall in love with someone who was similar to me in background or religion but the fact is that's not who I fell in love with. The men in the church while nice, they didn't step up to the plate...

So Hey all I can say is that THEY missed out on the woman that I am and the WOMAN that I'm going to become! It's not my job or my role to look for a MAN its the job or role of the MAN to first seek God then SEEK after a WOMAN. So for all those who question my loyalty to my Man or who think I could be living a better or easier lifestyle all of them NEED to recognize that I am happy and I am at PEACE within. So I honestly don't care about what others think when it comes to my heart. Those people have NEVER walked in my shoes and weren't there when I had to cry myself to sleep. Feelings of constant rejection, the idea of never EVER measuring up no matter how many accomplishments it's NEVER enough... So all of those people can... well no need to go there I'm sure you can understand where I could go with that but I won't. Especially those who have done me wrong in the past. Yes the past is the past but I'm FAR from stupid so the decision of my future marriage and life I'm praying about and seeking God. I choose to believe that when EVERYONE else turned their BACKS on me with their words or their actions God sent a Dark Skinned Angel by the name of Freeman Smith to come and rescue me from the badness, self doubt, and emptiness that I was back then... But hey that was then this is now...I NO longer am ashamed of my skin! I embrace it totally!!!

So if you look at the EBONY magazines that I posted you will notice that I a few of the men are EXCEPTIONS to the LIGHT skinned RULE which is in my mind soft pretty boys who have no since and womanize.... Clearly our President... President OBAMA is about his family, his money, and running the country! So as you can see he picked a Beautiful, Strong, Ambitious, Dark Chocolate Sister as his WIFE and now she holds the title of not only FIRST Lady of his heart but also FIRST LADY of the NATION! Get this she is a Mocha Woman such as myself!!! So enough said... Like I said Light in the minds of many will ALWAYS be right BUT in my eyes "THE DARKER THE MOCHA the Hotter the Person"! So next time you look at a person who is Mocha think to yourself about all the barriers they had to overcome and in my case achieve by the grace of God!

No matter what color you are my point is that you should love the SKIN that you were born in rather than being embarrassed or ashamed....

All comments are appreciated!

Love you,

The ONE and ONLY Mocha Chick who isn't afraid to speak up and demand respect!

Friday, November 12, 2010

A love so deep...

See the love I have for you is deep. Just looking at Me you might guess that I've always had a date... but see I never had a mate. 

From that first date I thought wow God is this fate.. Was I put on this earth to be your lover, partner, and soul mate... I don't know but I feel the power that we create when we enter a room. 

I enhance you and you enhance me too.. Is this what I was always missing, always craving to feel? It's almost like you didn't see the layers I'd built around my heart to keep from being hurt the things that had made me feel so insignificant. 

But with you I know I am blessed and highly favored! The Bible says, "Blessed is he who finds a Virtuous Woman"... I just want to take the time to thank you for finding me, motivating, and encouraging me when no one else could or would. 

Thank you for being the bridge between my dreams and reality. Thank you for allowing me to take a nap when I needed to rejuvenate! Lord knows, I'm ready to procreate, you stimulate me in so many ways without even a touch. Its the passion of love, and friendship that I see burning in your eyes when you look at me. 

Yes its that deep all those nights I spent weeping and to be honest creeping around in the dark hoping to be found. Hoping to be crowed Queen of a deserving man's throne. Thank you for never leaving me alone even when I pushed you away. I need you to know that I will always stay and never stray. 

The love I have for you, yes it's that deep it transcends time and space. Thank you for allowing me to take that seat in your life, I want to shout it from the mountain tops "I can't wait to become your wife"!

-With all my love,
